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A partnership worth chatting about

Maximize your yield potential thanks to advanced genetics and weed management paired with whole-acre solutions.

Asgrow® XtendFlex® Soybeans

Featuring exclusive genetics and tailored, integrated solutions to help maximize profitability on every acre.

Advanced genetics you can trust

Clean fields lead to higher yields 

 This season, join the thousands of farmers who rely on the weed management and a yield advantage that XtendFlex soybeans provide. Use elite genetics that offer the flexibility you need to manage some of the toughest weeds before, during and after planting.

Proven performance. Year after year.

XtendFlex soybeans are built on the proven high-yielding Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology that help your soybeans reach their full potential year after year.



XtendFlex soybeans with Roundup Ready Xtend Technology vs. Enlist weed control system in Bayer’s 2023 breeding and market development trials.1



The 2024 XtendFlex soybeans launch class had a 2.7 bu/A advantage vs. Enlist E3® soybeans.1


Years of innovation

Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology is backed by over 25 years of developing innovative traits and chemistries and the largest research and development investment in the industry.2

Double herbicide tolerance for weed management

We are committed to reliable results in your soybean fields. With glyphosate and glufosinate tolerance, XtendFlex soybeans provide you the ability to enhance and protect your yield. 

Roundup PowerMAX® 3 herbicide offers enhanced consistency of control, weed to weed and field to field, even on tough-to-control weeds.
Liberty® herbicide features a mode of action that provides excellent performance potential on key driver weeds and application flexibility. 

Visit or contact your nearest Nutrien Ag Solutions® retail location.

1 9,759 head-to-head comparisons in Bayer’s 2023 breeding and market development germplasm trials v. key commercial E3® checks in major soybean growing regions +/- 0.2 RM. 64% win rate.

2 Based on annual Bayer Crop Science research and development investments.

©2024 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

No dicamba may be used in-crop with seed with Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology, unless and until approved or specifically permitted, and no dicamba formulations are currently registered for such use in the 2025 season. Please follow www.roundupreadyxtend.com/pages/xtendimax-updates.aspx for status updates. Dicamba may harm crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS.

Bayer is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Bayer products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Bayer’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. Commercialized products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all applicable regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its labeling. NOT ALL formulations of dicamba, glyphosate or glufosinate are approved for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. Contact the U.S. EPA and your state pesticide regulatory agency with any questions about the approval status of dicamba herbicide products for in-crop use with products with XtendFlex® Technology. Not all products are registered for use in all states and may be subject to use restrictions. Products with XtendFlex® Technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, glufosinate and dicamba. Plants that are not tolerant to glyphosate, dicamba, and/or glufosinate may be damaged or killed if exposed to those herbicides. Contact your seed brand dealer or refer to the Bayer Technology Use Guide for recommended weed control programs. The distribution, sale, or use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. Check with your local dealer or representative for the product registration status in your state. Asgrow and the A Design®, Asgrow®, Roundup PowerMAX® and Roundup Ready® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. Liberty®, LibertyLink logo® and LibertyLink® are trademarks of BASF Corporation. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website at www.BayerCropScience.us. Bayer CropScience LP, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63167. ©2024 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.